CE-PASS project consortium meeting at Salzburg Research, in Salzburg, December 2023.

CE-PASS project consortium meeting at iPoint, in Vienna, June 2023.

The project brings together four complementary actors: AVL as one of Austria’s foremost automotive design companies; iPoint as a software company with a unique offering of due diligence and compliance-related software tools and with a keen strategic interest in sustainability support for industry; the Institute of Environmental Systems Sciences of University of Graz with its track record in life cycle assessment, Circular Economy and sustainable supply chain management; and Salzburg Research’s Intelligent Connectivity group with a track record in digital technologies, having led a highly successful European project that developed an open source, B2B supply chain and logistics platform called NIMBLE (Collaborative Network for Industry, Manufacturing, Business and Logistics in Europe), https://www.nimble-project.org/

The CE-PASS project is partially funded by the “ICT of the Future” Program of the FFG.